Privacy Policy


Dear Guest,

According to the existing regulations regarding the protection of personal information (EU Regulation 679)2016) we should like to inform you that the handling of your personal data is done with correctness and transparency, for legitimate aims, protecting your privacy and rights.

The handling is done by computer for the following purposes:

  1.  To receive and confirm your reservation of rooms, accessory services, and to supply those services requested.  Given that the handling is necessary for the definition of a contractual agreement and for its successive activation, your consent is not required except in the case where particularly delicate information is concerned.  If there is a refusal to communicate personal data then we are not able to confirm the reservation and supply the services requested.  The handling will cease on your departure but some of your personal information will continue to remain with us for the reasons indicated in the following paragraphs.
  2. To fulfil our obligations foreseen by ‘Testo Unico delle leggi di pubblica sicurezza (Public Safety Laws) (art. 109 R.D. 18. 6.1931 n. 773) which obliges us to communicate to the Central Police Station the personal details of our Guests, in accordance with the modality established by the Ministry of the Interior, the Home Office (Decree 7 January 2013). The transfer of the data is compulsory and does not require your consent; in the case of a refusal we shall not be able to host you in our hotel.  The data supplied is not kept by us except by consent foreseen at paragraph 4.
  3. To comply with administrative, accounting and fiscal obligations.  For such ends the handling of your personal information does not require your consent.  The data are handled by us and our nominees and are communicated to others only in the fulfilment of our legal obligations.  In the case of a refusal we shall not be able to supply the services requested.  The information is held by us for the period required by the respective regulations (ten years, sometimes longer in the case of fiscal controls).
  4. To accelerate the procedure of registration in the case of further stays at our hotel.  For this purpose, having acquired your consent, revocable at any moment, your data will be kept for a maximum period of 1 years and will be used for the purposes detailed above, when you are a Guest of ours again.
  5. To complete the reception of messages and telephone calls directed to you during your stay. Your consent is necessary but can be revoked at any moment.  The handling will, however, cease on your departure.
  6. To protect the people, the property and business patrimony by means of closed circuit television in some areas of the hotel indicated by special notices. Your consent is not necessary inasmuch as it is in our legitimate interest to protect people and goods from possible aggression, theft, mugging, damage, vandalism,  to  ensure the prevention of fire and safety at work.  The recorded images are cancelled after 24 hours except on festive days or cases of closure of the hotel.  In any case, within a week.  They are not communicated to third parties except in the case of a specific, investigative request from judicial or police authorities.
  1. To send you our promotional messages and up-dating of our tariffs and special offers. .  For this purpose, having acquired your consent, your data will be kept for a maximum period of 10 years. They will not be communicated to third parties and will be used for the purposes detailed above. Your consent is necessary but can be revoked at any moment.

We should like to inform you that the European Regulation recognises some rights, among which, your right of access and rectification, cancellation or limitation or opposition to the handling of your data, as well as the right to transport the data, if and when applicable articles 15 to 22 of the EU regulation679/2016). You can also complain to the control authorities according to the procedure foreseen by the existing regulation.


For any further information and to establish your rights under the European Regulation, you can apply to:

Head of Handling Department: S.I.G.A.T. S.r.l. 

Person Responsible for Handling: Front office Manager BODI MASSIMO

Person Responsible for the Protection of Data DPO: BODI MASSIMO

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